


Introduction to Factorization Spaces

主 讲 人 :Laura Cossu    


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Combining the language of monoids and preorders, we introduce the notion of factorization space (F-space for short) and we define accordingly some abstract “arithmetic invariants” that can be used to study various phenomena that naturally show up when trying to understand how certain elements of a monoid H factor through the elements of a “distinguished subset” A of H, that are in some sense “minimal” and not necessarily atoms. F-spaces can then be used as a unifying framework for factorization problems arising both within and outside the classical theory of factorization. Moreover, they allow to make sense of concepts like “actoriality”, “bounded factorization”, etc., in settings (such as rings with non-trivial zero divisors) where the classical definitions would make little sense in practice. For certain classes of F-spaces we also show some arithmetical results that extend analogous classical ones. The talk is based on joint work with S. Tringali.


Laura Cossu received her PhD from the University of Padova (Italy) in October 2017. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Graz (Austria)(格拉茨大学博士后研究员), funded by a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (grant agreement id: 101021791).

发布时间:2022-05-25 11:44:01

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